giovedì 7 febbraio 2008

Had I known that the first was the last

Had I known that the first was the last
I should have kept it longer.
Had I known that the last was the first
I should have drunk it stronger.
Cup, it was your fault,
Lip was not the liar.
No, lip it was yours,
Bliss was most to blame.

Se solo avessi saputo che la prima sarebbe stata
l’ultima, l’avrei gustata più a lungo.
Se solo avessi saputo che l’ultima sarebbe stata
la prima, l’avrei bevuta tutta d’un fiato.
E’ stata tua la colpa, Coppa?
Le mie labbra non mentivano.
No, labbra, fu colpa vostra,
il Godimento, il vero colpevole.

Emily Dickinson

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